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how long does it take……?常用口語表達

由 英語一小角 發表于 人文2023-01-26
簡介挺容易的Teacher:How long did it takeyou to finish the assignment



How long does it take

to get to the station by subway? 坐地鐵去車站要多久?

How long will it take

to build the stadium? 建體育場要多久?

How long did it take

you to knit this sweater? 你織了多久織成了這件毛衣?


Teacher: Did you finish the assignment I gave you last week? 我上週佈置的作業你完成了嗎?

Student: Sure, no problem。 完成了

Teacher: Really, you didn’t think it was difficult? 真的?你不覺得很難嗎?

Student: Actually it was pretty easy。 挺容易的


How long did it take

you to finish the assignment? 你用了多久完成的?

Student: It only took a day。 My friend and I did it together so it was easier。 只用了一天。我朋友和我一起做的,因此更簡單一些。

how long does it take……?常用口語表達
