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英語口語:make the most of(最大限度利用)

由 英語老師覃冠平 發表于 人文2022-12-06
簡介,to make the most of the product‘s features mean to maximize the product’s

most of後面接什麼人稱

英語口語:make the most of(最大限度利用)

一般讀到英語短語to make the most of (something)時,我們都是習慣用中文去理解它(很多人也只能用中文理解英語),即“最大限度利用”。

比如,下面出現的make the most of句子,估計你也只能想到中文“最大限度利用”

1。 You might be a lot happier if you made the most of yourself, instead of just sitting here all day playing video games。

2。 Mary knows how to make the most of her talents。

3。 They designed the advertisements to make the most of the product‘s features。

然而在讀到下面出現的maximize用詞時,你有沒有Oh。I got you的“恍然大悟”?

Some credit cards offer a higher accrual rate for reward points for everyday purchases like groceries and gas。 To maximize your reward earnings, always use your credit card for those purchases。


OMG。God damn it。I got you。When you say:

1。 You might be a lot happier if you made the most of yourself, you simply mean you maximize yourself。

2。 Mary knows how to make the most of her talents,you mean Mary knows how to maximize her talents。

3。 They designed the advertisements to make the most of the product’s features。,to make the most of the product‘s features mean to maximize the product’s。features。


能用maximize理解make the most of,幹嘛還要用中文“最大限度利用”呢?

英語口語:make the most of(最大限度利用)


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