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由 社會觀察者1號 發表于 娛樂2023-01-26
簡介方式:Method can also be used to refer to a particular form or style of doing something



1。 方法:Method can be used to refer to a particular way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implying an orderly logical arrangement。 例句:The method used to calculate the cost of the project was very complex。 中文翻譯:計算專案成本的方法非常複雜。

2。 手段:Method can also be used to refer to a means of achieving an end。 例句:The company used a variety of methods to increase its profits。 中文翻譯:公司採用了多種手段來增加利潤。

3。 步驟:Method can also be used to refer to a series of steps taken in order to achieve a particular end。 例句:The method of making a cake involves several steps。 中文翻譯:製作蛋糕的方法涉及幾個步驟。

4。 方式:Method can also be used to refer to a particular form or style of doing something。 例句:The teacher used a very effective method to teach the students。 中文翻譯:老師採用了一種非常有效的方式來教學生。

5。 方法:Method can also be used to refer to a particular procedure or process。 例句:The method used to analyze the data was very complex。 中文翻譯:分析資料的方法非常複雜。



1。 方式:Way can be used to refer to a particular form or style of doing something。 例句:The way he spoke was very polite。 中文翻譯:他說話的方式非常有禮貌。

2。 方法:Way can also be used to refer to a particular procedure or process。 例句:The way the experiment was conducted was very precise。 中文翻譯:實驗的進行方式非常精確。

3。 方向:Way can also be used to refer to a direction or course。 例句:The ship changed its way and headed towards the port。 中文翻譯:船改變了航向,朝著港口航行。

4。 方針:Way can also be used to refer to a policy or principle。 例句:The company has adopted a new way of doing business。 中文翻譯:公司採取了一種新的經營方式。

5。 道路:Way can also be used to refer to a route or path。 例句:The hikers took a different way back to the camp。 中文翻譯:徒步旅行者們走了一條不同的路回營地。





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