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由 英語學習能源站 發表于 農業2022-09-18
簡介Our Christmas Goose(原文)On a cold morning that December, my brother Rick and I were sent to Uncle Tommie‘s on the other s



Our Christmas Goose

(原文)On a cold morning that December, my brother Rick and I were sent to Uncle Tommie‘s on the other side of Little Mountain to get a goose for Christmas dinner。 This long journey over the mountain was hard but worth it。


故事發生時間:on a cold morning that December。正值隆冬。

故事發生空間:to and from Uncle Tommie’s。再具體:This long journey (back) over the mountain。慢慢歸途。

人際關係為:my brother Rick and I。再延伸至:兄弟二人和鵝(人與物)。兄弟情誼和人鵝之情。

初期行為目的:to get a goose for Christmas dinner。也即去Uncle Tommie‘s取鵝,供聖誕晚宴所用。


This long journey over the mountain was hard but worth it。漫長的翻山之旅艱難但值得。hard but worth it 起提綱挈領作用。

(原文)That morning, dark clouds were coming together overhead。 I knew it was going to snow on the ___13___。


環境描寫,dark clouds were coming together overhead,頭頂上濃雲密佈。由此做出判斷,天要下雪。

(原文)When we arrived, Uncle Tommie was already waiting for us。 “Boys, I’m not ___14___ you off,” he said, “but the wind is picking up。 You’d better get the goose and head for home soon。”

人際關係中,Uncle Tommiezhi只是作為配角出現。動作描寫有waiting for us。因天氣原因(the wind is picking),Uncle Tommiezhi的言語中既有委婉(I’m not pushing you off),又有催促(You’d better get the goose and head for home soon)。

(原文)After a quick thank-you and goodbye I took the goose and we left。 Halfway up the mountain, it began to snow heavily。 I held the goose ___15___ to me。


情況緊急,只能a quick thank-you and goodbye。一切如預料一樣,當兄弟二人走至半山腰處,大雪開始飄飛。故事另一個重要角色the goose走進讀者的視野。

(原文)By the time we reached the top of the mountain, it snowed more heavily。 And the wind seemed to blow straight through my coat。 I stepped in front of Rick。 “You must be cold。 Open your coat!”


及至山頂之時,作者寥寥幾語描述了天氣,也即當時的環境,it snowed more heavily。雪下得更緊了。the wind seemed to blow straight through my coat,真是風雪交加,且冷風極具穿透力。

作為哥哥的“我”,走到弟弟Rick的前面,說了兩句截然相反且以命令口吻說出的話語: You must be cold。 Open your coat! 一方面是天兒很冷,另一方面是是讓人開啟衣服。

(原文)“Are you crazy?” Rick asked。 “I’ll lose what little warmth I have!” When he saw I was ___16___, he slowly opened his coat。

正是因為表達過於含糊不清,才有弟弟的反問,“Are you crazy?”。原因在於he’ll lose what little warmth he has! 他會失去他僅有的熱量。

畢竟我是“老大”,加之語氣強硬,故he saw I was serious,我是嚴肅的,認真的。反抗是無用的,Rick 極不情願地開啟衣服。

(原文)I placed the warm goose inside his coat。 Rick sighed happily (舒了口氣)。 My plan was ___17___

The warm goose was placed inside his coat by me。至此,Rick才明白“我”的所作所為,他高興地舒了口氣。我的(用鵝暖身)計劃正在奏效。


此時,故事發生之地為the top of the mountain。

(原文)On the way down, I started to shiver (發抖)。 Rick said。 “Dave。 it’s your turn now。”


(原文)He passed me the goose。 For a long moment, I just stood and ___18___ my freezing(冰冷的) hands on his body。 We passed the goose back and forth (來回地) between us all the way。 Finally, we got home。


(原文)Sitting at the table, we explained how the goose kept us from freezing。 “We can’t have him for dinner! This goose helped ___19___ our lives,” I said。

“我”臨危不懼,並非常有主見的孩子且重情義。“我”提出以鵝取暖,並首先想到的是弟弟。大難之後又不忘鵝的恩情。We can’t have him for dinner! This goose helped save our lives。我們不能殺鵝做聖誕晚餐,因為鵝救了我們兩人的命。

(原文)Later, we named the goose Charley and he lived out his life in the yard, bossing around the chickens and another goose we bought to keep him company。 A life as the most important bird was fitting for our ___20___。



文章到了最後,我們綜合全文回顧一下This long journey over the mountain was hard but worth it。因為風雪交加和寒冷,所以每走一步皆是艱難的。但在鵝的幫助之下,克服了寒冷。這樣的經歷也是值得的。因為這是對生命的考驗,智慧的考驗,也是對兄弟情義的考驗。


13。 A。 mountain B。 island

C。 lake D。 beach


14。 A。 paying B。 rushing

C。 showing D。 calling

解析:此題難度大。pay off,還清;show off,炫耀;call off,取消;rush off,匆忙離開。

15。 A。 lightly B。 secretly

C。 high D。 close


16。 A。 frightened B。 regretful

C。 serious D。 surprised


17。 A。 working B。 continuing

C。 improving D。 changing

解析:此題難度略大。正確答案選A。此題屬於一詞多義。working在此表“起作用”。正是Rick接過了鵝,並獲得了溫暖,Rick sighed happily (舒了口氣)。

18。 A。 raised B。 dried

C。 warmed D。 examined

解析:此題仍屬於常識題。因為On the way down, I started to shiver (發抖),且是my freezing(冰冷的) hands on his body,故選C。也即,在鵝的身上暖和我的冰凍的雙手

19。 A。 spare B。 save

C。 treasure D。 give


20。 A。 leader B。 boss

C。 guide D。 hero

解析:因為the goose kept us from freezing and helped save our lives,所以鵝成了英雄。A life as the most important bird was fitting for our hero,被當成最重要的家禽對待一生的殊榮(非常)適合我們的英雄。


