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權威英語語法 08:及物動詞transitive和不及物動詞Intransitive

由 蘭桂姬說外語 發表于 運動2022-05-08






不及物和及物動詞句型 8

主語 不及物動詞

A coach stopped。

主語 及物動詞 賓語

A coach arrested the thief。

連繫動詞句型 9

主語 動詞 補語

The coach was rather unlucky

The coach became a thief。

主語 動詞 狀語

The coat was over his arm。

The conference is every year。

不及物和及物動詞句型 8例解:

Give, send 等 10

主語 動詞 賓語 賓語

The thief gave the inspector his coat。

Call, put 等 11

主語 動詞 賓語 補語

They called the inspector sir。

The thief thought himself rather unlucky。

主語 動詞 賓語 狀語

He put the coat over his arm。


不及物動詞(後面不跟賓語): I‘m thinking。

及物動詞(後面跟賓語): Yes, I thought the same。

+賓語+補語: People will think me stupid。

額外狀語的修飾 12


A man walked into a hotel。

One day a man walked casually into a hotel。

And 和 or 13


The inspector and the thief got out of the coach。

同位短語 14

Our neighbour Mr Bradshaw is a policeman。——把1個短語放在另一個和它意思相同或類似的短語後面意為“同位”,這裡表示Mr。Bradshaw=Our neighbour

權威英語語法 08:及物動詞transitive和不及物動詞Intransitive


1 不及物動詞不能直接跟賓語,儘管後面有介詞短語,不及物動詞常表達人們正在做的動作或或者正在發生的事件

The man was waiting at the side of the road。

Something unfortunate happened。

The man runs along the beach every morning。

2 有些不及物動詞在另一個語境中可以充當及物動詞的角色,比如當run表示“管理,執行”的意思時:

He runs his own business。

2 及物動詞可以直接跟賓語:

The man stole a coat。——-表達偷的動作

Everyone enjoyed the conference。——-表達情感

The driver saw the hitch-hiker at the side of the road。——表達感官的感覺

The man had no money。——-表達擁有


The man opposite was reading (a book)。 We’re going to eat (a meal)。

A woman was driving (the coach)。


ask/answer (a question), draw/paint (a picture), enter/leave (a room/building), pass/fail (a test/exam), play/win/lose (a game), practise (a skill), sing (a song), speak (a few words), study (a subject)。

當表達的意思清晰時,這些及物動詞後也可以省略賓語: begin, choose, decide, hear, help, know, notice, see, start。

注意discuss 和 deny後面必須要跟賓語

The committee discussed the problem。 He denied the accusation。

3 許多動詞既可以及物也可以不及物,我給起了個名叫“雙及動詞”

及物 不及物

The driver stopped the coach。 The coach stopped。

He opened the door。 The door opened。

I broke a cup。 The cup broke。

Someone rang the bell。 The bell rang。

上面兩邊的句子都描述了同樣的事件,及物句中主語the driver是代理人導致了事件的發生;不及物句描述了事件但並沒有提到代理人

以下是一些常見的雙及動詞: alter develop increase shine tear begin divide join shut turn bend drive melt slide weaken boil dry mix smash unite break end move soften burn finish open sound change fly pour spread close freeze ring stand cook hang roll start combine harden sail stop continue hurt separate strengthen crash improve shake swing

注意 Raise 是及物動詞,rise是不及物動詞

The oil companies will raise their prices。

The price of oil will rise。


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