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中考英語語法專項訓練:天天練 第48講(附答案解析)

由 點石課堂 發表于 運動2022-08-16
簡介根據題目第二句她以前來過這兒,可知去年夏天她不是第一次來.故選:D.10.The park will be much_____in May when all the flowers blossom(開花)A.more beautif


中考英語語法專項訓練:天天練 第48講(附答案解析)

1.Which of the following under_____ lined parts is different in pronunciation?

A.wisdom B.blind C.trip D.simple

【解析】本題考查字母i的發音,單詞blind中的i的發音是/ai/;其餘三個單詞中的i都發短母音/i/; 故選:B.

2.Peter spent_____ exciting day in MOCA Shanghai(上海當代藝術館) last week.

A.the B.a C.an D./

【解析】此題考查不定冠詞用法,a 、an 都表示一個,a用於子音音素開頭的單詞前,an用於母音音素開頭的單詞前,此題中一個令人興奮的一天是 an exciting day ,exciting 是以母音音素開頭的單詞,故用an; 故選:C.

3.it‘s common knowledge that leaves change from green to brown_____ autumn.

A.at B.on C.by D.in

【解析】at 在幾點;on在某一天,或某一天的上午,下午,晚上;by 截止到。。之前;in 在某一月,某一年;某一季節;此題表示在秋天,故用in;


4.Harry Potter was surprised at ______power when he first used it

A.his B.him C.he D.himself



5.After watching the film Amazing China, I’m quite proud_____ our country.

A.by B.with C.at D.of

【解析】by透過;with 和;at在…;of。。的;此題根據語境“我為我們的國家感到很自豪.”自豪是固定用法be proud of;故用of. 故選:D.

6.These students collected much_____ on the Internet before starting their research

A.pictures B.materials

C.information D.stories

【解析】首先明確選項中每個單詞意思,A:圖片;B:材料;C:資訊;D:故事;根據題乾結合much只能修飾不可數名詞推測設空處句子的句意是“ 這些學生在開始他們的調查之前從網上搜索了大量資訊.”,由此判斷句子中缺少“資訊 ”一詞. 故選:C.

7.﹣﹣_____ can I get to Los Angeles by air?

﹣﹣In less than fourteen hours.

A.How often B.How long

C.How soon D.How far.

【解析】根據In less than fourteen hours,可知這裡in引導的時間短語.詢問一般用how soon. 故選:C.

8.With the help of driverless cars (無人駕駛汽車), _____ accidents will happen in the future

A.a few B.few C.a little D.little

【解析】few少的,後面加可數名詞複數;表示否定含義;a few 一些,後面加可數名詞複數,表示肯定含義;little少的,後面加不可數名詞,表示否定含義;a little後面加不可數名詞,表示肯定含義.此提根據空後的accidents可知是可數名詞複數,用few或a few排除C,D;再根據語境“在無人駕駛汽車的幫助下,未來不會發生什麼事故.”表示否定含義故用few. 故選:B.

9.Theresa May_____ paid her first visit to China last summer. She had been here before.

A.always B.often C.usually D.never

【解析】pay visit to 參觀…根據題目第二句她以前來過這兒,可知去年夏天她不是第一次來. 故選:D.

10.The park will be much_____ in May when all the flowers blossom(開花)

A.more beautiful B.most beautiful

C.beautiful D.the most beautiful

【解析】根據The park will be much_____ in May when all the flowers blossom(開花)可知這裡放在much後面用比較級形式. 故選:A.

11.I heard the voices, but_____ make our(辨別) what they were saying.

A.couldn‘t B.wouldn’t

C.mustn‘t D.shouldn’t

【解析】考查情態動詞.A不能.B不將會.C不允許.D不應該.結合語境“我聽到了聲音,卻__說出他們在說什麼”.可知,應該是“不能”. 故選:A.

12.Please dial 120immediately, _____the old man may die soon.

A.and B.or C.but D.so

【解析】根據語境以及上下文,本題考查的是連詞的用法.根據設空處前後句子可以推斷句意是:請立即撥打120,否則那個老人很快就死了.句型“祈使句+or+陳述句”,表示在以祈使句為條件下的相反假設,意為“否則,要不然”,所以用連詞or(否則); 故選:B.

13.The theatre will have to close


the government gives it some extra money.

A.unless B.since C.if D.so that

【解析】首先明確選項中各個連詞的意思,A:除非;B:自從;C:如果;D:為的是;本題考查的是從屬連詞的辨析.根據語境推測句意是“那家劇院將不得不關閉,除非政府為它提供額外的資金支援.”從句意來看,這裡需要一個表假設的連詞,說明後句是表假設的條件狀語從句,結合選項,unless可以引導一個表假設的條件狀語從句,意為“除非”,相當於if not. 故選:A.

14.Professor Stephen Hawking (霍金)


from a serious disease in his early twenties

A.suffered B.suffers

C.will suffer D.is suffering

【解析】根據語境推測句意是“霍金教授在二十幾歲的時候遭受一種嚴重疾病的痛苦.”,由於句子表述的是發生在過去的事情,所以用一般過去時, 一般過去時的構成是:主語+動詞的過去式; 故選:A.



the big fire before I returned with some people to help.

A.are putting out B.put out

C.had put out D.would put out

【解析】put out撲滅,熄滅;根據時間狀語從句用了一般過去時可知,在過去的某個時間已經發生的動作要用過去完成時,在結合句意“在我和一些人回來幫忙之前,他們已經把大火撲滅了.”,要填had put out. 故選:C.

16.Nowadays, many parents make their children


various courses at weekends.

A.to attend B.attend

C.attending D.attended

【解析】根據Nowadays, many parents make their children

various courses at weekends.可知句子考查make sb do sth表示讓某人做某事.


17.The old couple used to enjoy


out for a walk after supper.

A.going B.to go C.went D.go

【解析】根據The old couple used to enjoy

out for a walk after supper,可知句子考查enjoy doing sth表示喜歡做某事. 故選:A.

18.Many young people do business on Wechat in their free time,


A.aren‘t they B.are they

C.don’t they D.do they



19.﹣﹣I‘m afraid I can’t work out the maths problem. It‘s too difficult


A.that’s all right B.I‘m glad to hear that.

C.you’d better not D.Don‘t give it up!

【解析】that’s all right沒關係,;I‘m glad to hear that我很高興聽到這個訊息;you’d better not你最好不要;Don‘t give it up!不要放棄;此題根據語境“恐怕我解不出這道數學題,太難了.不要放棄” 故選:D.

20.﹣﹣what about going fishing this afternoon?


The weather report says it’s going to rain

A.Sure. Why not? B.I‘d rather not

C.That’s a good idea. D.Yes, I‘d like to

【解析】I’d rather not我寧願不要;Sure. Why not?當然.為什麼不呢?That‘s a good idea;這是個好主意.Yes, I’d like to是的,我想.此題根據語境“今天下午去釣魚怎麼樣?

我寧願不要,天氣預報說要下雨了.” 故選:B.

中考英語語法專項訓練:天天練 第48講(附答案解析)


中考英語語法專項訓練:天天練 第47講(附答案解析)

中考英語語法專項訓練:天天練 第46講(附答案解析)

中考英語語法專項訓練:天天練 第45講(附答案解析)

中考英語語法專項訓練:天天練 第44講(附答案解析)

中考英語語法專項訓練:天天練 第43講(附答案解析)

中考英語語法專項訓練:天天練 第48講(附答案解析)

