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由 御用活寶 發表于 遊戲2021-11-06


相信人,相信感情,相信善良的存在;要開朗,要堅韌,要溫暖的活著。Believe in people, feelings, and the existence of goodness; be open, tough, and warm to live。


擁有回憶,人生才得以豐潤,歲月才滿溢詩情。耽於回憶,青春卻難免蒼白,木人石心亦傷懷。With memories, life can be rich, years can be full of poetry。 Long for memories, youth is inevitably pale, stone heart is also sad。


物換星移,時過境遷,言猶在耳。Things change and times change。 Words are still in our ears。


天使懷著一顆慈愛的心給了你善良。惡魔懷著一顆執著的心給了你底線。The angel has given you kindness with a loving heart。 The devil with a persistent heart gave you the bottom line。


空中,梧桐落葉飄零;眼前,蕭瑟的秋花凝霜。In the air, the leaves of Wutong drift down; the bleak autumn flowers are frosting。


曼妙遊離,盛開在冥界的粉色花朵,花語是愛情,背叛,死亡。為愛情而亡。Graceful free, blooming in the underworld pink flowers, flower language is love, betrayal, death。 Die for love。


青春都交給歲月去埋葬,繁華都付與時間去糟蹋。無可奈何花落去呵。Youth is given to years to bury, prosperity to time to waste。 I can‘t help but drop the flowers。


我漸漸明白了一件事情,我喜歡丁香,白色的粉色的,盛開的枯萎的,我全部都喜歡。I gradually understand one thing, I like cloves, white, pink, blooming, withered, I like all of them。


一群天使在我的身上經過。飛快地踐踏過去。他們要我疼著說感謝。A group of angels passed me。 Trample on the past quickly。 They want me to say thanks in pain。


難忘,美好,短暫的三年,校園裡的一草一木,一瓦一石都未改變,但是,我們要走了,我們捨不得他們。Unforgettable, beautiful, short three years, the campus of a plant, a tile a stone have not changed, but, we have to go, we are reluctant to part with them。
