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FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

由 天天快點跑 發表于 遊戲2022-07-18
簡介AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen GraphicsX:哇哦,那麼Territory Studio是怎麼一步一步變成電影FUI屆的滅霸的


FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師


作者:站酷推薦設計師 郗鑑

2018年8月採訪Territory Studio全紀錄


戴維 謝爾頓海克斯(David Sheldon-Hicks)

戴維畢業於一所優秀的平面設計學院,他對設計和創意的熱愛使他在數字媒體、音樂影片、電影、遊戲和廣告行業中都如魚得水。戴維後來投身於介面設計,並先後為《黑暗騎士》、《皇家賭場》等大電影創作介面設計。2010年,戴維與合夥人一同創辦了Territory Studio。他的創意和協作方式、對科幻故事的熱愛、對細節的關注以及對人與技術之間關係的前瞻性都激勵著整個團隊將FUI推向更極致地境界。隨著如《復仇者聯盟3》等科幻電影的熱映,Territory Studio並已迅速崛起併成為一個最令人興奮和最創新的工作室。

Territory Studio先後與導演雷德利•斯科特(Ridley Scott)、丹尼斯•維倫紐夫(Denis Villeneuve)和史蒂芬•斯皮爾伯格(Steven Spielberg)都有過合作,Territory Studio用一個個令我們瞠目結舌的華麗設計證明了自己強大的專業技術和創造力,在這些創意背後,Territory Studio使用人機互動的理念來設計科幻使用者介面,使介面更靈活直觀。動態圖形和視覺特效就是公司的生命,強大的專業團隊吸引了包括漫威/迪士尼、華納兄弟、環球、派拉蒙、索尼影業、20世紀福克斯、獅門影業、BBC和Netflix等公司的垂青,科幻迷喜愛的《復仇者聯盟》系列、《攻殼機動隊》、《火星救援》、《銀河護衛隊》等電影中的動態圖形和使用者介面均出自該團隊。如今,在戴維的領導下,Territory Studio在倫敦和舊金山的團隊團隊不斷壯大,並且在電影、遊戲和品牌行業中茁壯成長。

An award-winning graphic design graduate, David’s passion for craft and creative led him from digital media to music videos, film, games and advertising。 Freelance commissions to create user interface designs on Dark Knight and Casino Royale formed his passion for the narrative role of motion graphics in film。

In 2010, he co-founded Territory Studio, where his creative and collaborative approach, love of story, eye for detail and fascination with the relationship between humans and technology has captured the imagination of the industry。 Territory is David’s vision and has quickly become one of the most exciting and innovative creative studios working today。

Working with directors Ridley Scott, Denis Villeneuve and Steven Spielberg, the studio has proved its creative and technical ability to deliver original concepts and treatments with a distinctly human edge。 With motion graphics and VFX at the heart of Territory’s proposition, the studio attracts briefs across art and post production departments, from Marvel/Disney, Warner Bros, Universal, Paramount, Sony Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate, the BBC and Netflix。

Today, under David’s leadership, Territory’s growing teams in London and San Francisco thrive on near and future-vision challenges across film, games and brands。



站酷推薦設計師 電影《二代妖精》、《幕後玩家》FUI設計

X:大家好!今天我們請到了FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物:Territory Studio團隊!有些中國設計師朋友可能對TS仍然不太瞭解,能不能請您介紹一下TS團隊,工作室主要有哪些方面的設計師?主要的業務是什麼?

Hello everyone! Today I’m with the Thanos of the FUI world: the Territory Studio team! Some Chinese designer friends may still not be familiar with Territory Studio。 Can you tell us about the team? What kind of designers are part Territory Studio?What is Territory Studio’s main business?

D:謝謝你的採訪!我們是Territory Studio團隊。我們有幸參與了很多超棒的電影專案,當然這些全是因為我們有一群富有才華和專業能力的設計師。我們的設計師在創造介面圖形和特效方面是頂級的專家,比如大家熟悉的《復仇者聯盟》中的介面均出自我們之手。

Thanks! We’ve been very lucky to work on some amazing projects in feature films and its all down to having a fantastic talented team。 Our motion designers are specialists in creating screen graphics and holograms for large feature films such as The Avengers。

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

X:哇哦,那麼Territory Studio是怎麼一步一步變成電影FUI屆的滅霸的?一開始是您是如何創立Territory Studio這樣一個在行業內如此獨特的團隊的呢?

What is the step by step process that enabled Territory Studio to become the Thanos of the FUI world? How did you start your career in the first place?

D:我很幸運有機會在幾年前設計了《007:黃金賭場》中的一些動態圖形,然後緊接著我就參與了《蝙蝠俠:暗黑騎士崛起》的設計了。後來隨著工作的發展我建立起來了Territory Studio團隊,我們的名字被行內大佬推薦給了雷德利·斯科特,他是《普羅米修斯》的導演。這是一個非常千載難逢的機會呀,我們有幸參與了《普羅米修斯》的介面和圖形設計,從此以後,我們就義無反顧地開始了我們的事業。

I was lucky to work on a James Bond film Casino Royale many years ago as a motion designer。 I then went on to work on The Dark Knight Batman film。 A few years after this once I had setup Territory Studio our name was recommended for Prometheus for Ridley Scott。 This was an amazing opportunity to create screen graphics and holograms for a new alien film。 We’ve never looked back since。

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師



FUI? HUD? What exactly should these be categorised as in this industry? Domestically in China we are still calling them VFX。


FUI really is tricky to define because sometimes it is part of the film set and is therefore under Art Department and other times it is added in post, and comes under Visual Effects。 Quite often on a film it will be both。 I think ultimately it will serve as its own department in motion graphics when everyone is more familiar with it。


What do you think of the fact that some people still think that the interface in films are entirely for visual purposes, and do not take the interaction level into consideration? (Luo Yonghao said on his Weibo)


Different films require different solutions from interfaces。 For instance, something like Avengers needs the technology to focus on world building, characters and story telling。 The function of the interface is less important than what it expresses about the intent of the film。 At other times the technology needs to feel real, such as the Martian where we worked with NASA。 Here, everything needed to be as real as we could make it。

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

The Martian - UI Screen Graphics

X:在Territory Studio團隊中設計師應該向誰彙報呢?最終的“產品經理”是導演嗎?

Who makes the decision of the design that Territory Studio creates? Is the director the final product manager in this case?

D:這個問題要看情況了,每個專案都不一樣。通常是由美術指導(production designer)來監督電影全域性中的所有設計的。有的時候呢,特效總監也會負責FUI最後的定稿。但是有的時候我們也會和導演一起來確定設計稿,因為FUI最後會對演員的表演有非常大的影響。

It differs from film to film。 Often it is the production designer who oversee’s the design of the film。 Sometimes it is the Vfx Supervisor who is dealing with everything in post。 And sometimes we work with the director as the graphics become important to the actors performance。


Are there any UX designers in the team? What is their role?


We have some UX designers but they also multi-task in UI design and animation。


Have you seen any Chinese films? The development of Chinese sci-fi films is not as fast as that of other genres。 Have you considered setting up branches in China? After all, China has the best film fans。 Oh! Do you want to recruit people? For example, how about man like me smart and willing to work overtime? ^_^


Uhh,We’re very interested in working in and with China。 It has such an amazing design and animation culture and history。 I’ve watched many Chinese films but I haven’t seen any Sci-Fi yet。 But I’m really looking forward to seeing more Sci-Fi from China as the standard of film making in China is so impressive。


Did Avengers 3: Infinity War start its FUI design after the shooting was completed? I mean, is the design of the interactive s cript done done according to the actors‘ actions?


Yes, we created all the graphics for Avengers 3 before filming started so that the graphics were delivered live on-set for the actors to interact with。 It such a great way of working as the actors don’t have to imagine what they’re looking at, the graphics are live in front of them。


In your opinion, which character’s UI was the most bizarre?



They’re all pretty unique! I don’t think there is ever a “normal” design challenge on a Marvel film :)

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics


What should you watch out for when designing an interface for an alien?


No matter how weird and wonderful the alien, the graphic still needs to be understood by the audience。 We might not understand the language, but the layout of the design needs to communicate a sence of function and purpose to the audience。


Have you heard of “The Three Body“? What are you most worried about if you work with a team of Chinese filmmakers?


With any team speaking a different language, there will always be communication differences。 This is also an opportunity to learn and develop as a designer。

X:做FUI需要什麼軟體呢?PS可以嗎?(我用了一句Is PS OK?)

What software is required to do FUI? Is PS OK?


We use all the usual software; Photoshop, Illustrator, Cinema 4d and After Effects


The last question, is Spider-Man really dead? Will Territory Studio be part of the next Avengers film?


No comment!

X:感謝您接受我這次的訪問!也希望Territory Studio能夠繼續給我們影迷帶來身臨其境的設計,也希望Territory Studio繼續關注站酷網和中國設計。

Thank you so much! I hope that Territory Studio will continue to bring immersive design to our fans。 I also hope that Territory Studio will ge to know zcool and Chinese design。


Yes, we will。 Thank you!

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

AVENGERS Age of Ultron UI Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Ghost In The Shell - Motion Graphics & Concept Art

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Ghost In The Shell - Motion Graphics & Concept Art

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Ghost In The Shell - Motion Graphics & Concept Art

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Ghost In The Shell - Motion Graphics & Concept Art

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Ghost In The Shell - Motion Graphics & Concept Art

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Ghost In The Shell - Motion Graphics & Concept Art

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Ghost In The Shell - Motion Graphics & Concept Art

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Ghost In The Shell - Motion Graphics & Concept Art

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics

FUI業界裡的“滅霸”級人物 復仇者聯盟的科幻介面御用設計師

Guardians of the Galaxy - Screen Graphics



作者:站酷推薦設計師 郗鑑
