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連線副詞conversely, on the contrary

由 英語一小角 發表于 娛樂2022-11-30
簡介On the contrary也譯為“相反”,但使用語境和conversely不一樣

on the contrary是什麼意思

conversely, 譯為“相反”,前後形成對比


American consumers prefer white eggs

; conversely,

British buyers like brown eggs。 美國消費者喜歡吃白雞蛋; 相反,英國買家喜歡棕色的雞蛋。

Poor health is accepted as an attribute of normal aging。


, youth is depicted as a time of vitality and good health。 健康狀況不佳被認為是正常衰老的一個特徵。 相反,青春被描述為充滿活力和健康的時期。

People who are driven to climb corporate ladders have parents who believe ladder climbing is important。


, people who search in their careers for stability and structure acquire these values in their childhood。 那些被迫在公司裡向上爬的人,他們的父母認為向上爬很重要。 相反,那些在職業生涯中尋求穩定和結構的人在童年時期就獲得了這些價值觀。


We’re not going to have enough onions to last the year, while courgettes,


, are in a major surplus。 我們沒有足夠的洋蔥維持一年,相反,西葫蘆卻大量過剩。


Some wrong answers were marked right

and, conversely,

some right answers had been rejected。 一些錯誤的答案被標記為正確,相反,一些正確的答案被拒絕。

He was regarded either as too imitative to be considered original

or, conversely,

as being overly original。 他要麼被認為模仿太過,不能視作原創,要麼,相反,被認為是過於原創。

On the contrary也譯為“相反”,但使用語境和conversely不一樣。

It is not an idea around which the community can unite。

On the contrary,

I see it as one that will divide us。 這不是一個可以讓我們的組織團結起來的主意。恰恰相反,我看它會分裂我們。

The test will not be easy

; on the contrary,

it will be extremely difficult。 考試不會容易; 相反,這將是極其困難的。

The lecture was not boring

. Quite the contrary,

it was very informative and interesting。

連線副詞conversely, on the contrary


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