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Adverse possession的譯法及使用,你瞭解嗎

由 譯問 發表于 藝術2023-01-11


Adverse possession 逆佔有;對立佔有;相反佔有;時效佔有;逆權侵佔

逆權侵佔(英語:adverse possession)是普通法的法律概念,指房地產的非業主不經原業主同意,持續佔用對方土地超過一定的法定時限後,原業主的興訟時限即終止,該佔用者可以成為該土地的合法新業主,不必付出任何代價。與真正所有人的權利不一致的對不動產的佔有。即佔有人本不享有合法佔有權,卻如同所有人一樣對地產實施事實上的、持續性的、公開的與明顯的佔有,並意圖排除包括真正所有人在內的其他一切人的權利。這一佔有狀態可能為自始存在的,例如非法侵入〔trespass〕他人土地並據為己有; 也可能是後來構成的,例如起初作為合法的承租人佔有土地,但後來停交租金。逆佔有可以產生兩個重要的法律後果:1。它使佔有人的佔有權利如同在其他佔有情況下一樣受法律保護,除非有人能證明其擁有優先的權利〔better title〕; 2。如果佔有人保持這一佔有狀態達到一段法定時間——在英國法中為12年,若屬國王或宗教與慈善機構的土地則為30年; 在美國各州法律中一般為5-20年不等——則推定該地產已被授予〔grant〕佔有人。真正的所有人將喪失要求收回土地的訴權,即使其對上述佔有事實並不知曉。

Adverse possession is a legal doctrine that allows a person to claim a property right in land owned by another。 Common examples of adverse possession include continuous use of a private road or driveway, or agricultural development of an unused parcel of land。 By favoring the adverse possessor over the true landowner, the doctrine of adverse possession rewards the productive use of land and punishes landowners who “sleep on their rights。” While adverse possession alone does not result in a transfer of legal title, adverse possession gives a person a vested property right in the area possessed。 Once a person meets the statutory requirements for adverse possession, he or she may initiate a quiet title action and obtain legal title to the property。

Adverse possession的譯法及使用,你瞭解嗎



Adverse possession is a legal doctrine that allows a person who possesses or resides on someone else‘s land for an extended period of time to claim legal title to that land。 If successful in proving adverse possession, the claimant is not required to pay the owner for the land。



Adverse possession, sometimes colloquially described as “squatter’s rights”, is a legal principle under which a person who does not have legal title to a piece of property — usually land (real property) — acquires legal ownership based on continuous possession or occupation of the property without the permission of its legal owner。



Property right through adverse possession is very much different from our legal property theory, regarding systemic theory, judicatory practice, jurisprudent thinking。




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