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《我在中國的家》故事13|JOANNE: F**K, I’M AMERICAN

由 廈門精藝達翻譯 發表于 娛樂2022-07-02
簡介It’s a bit funny how I’m ‘Chinese’ in America, and ‘American’ in China. Like my Hash name, I seem to be ‘in the f**king


作者:Joanne Ko


F**k, I’m American


Sure, culture shock happens on both sides of a shore。


“Never go to China! You have no idea how dangerous China is. Promise me you will not go!”

Having grown up Chinese in America, I attracted a lot of speculation about what China and Chinese people are supposed to be like。 It’s as if people merely fill in a blank with any answers they presume appropriate。 Although, this time, it was my Chinese mother who said this, and she was born and raised in China with pride and apparently fear of the China she once knew and left。 The China that probably doesn’t exist anymore。



Maybe it was for rebellion that I am here today。


《我在中國的家》故事13|JOANNE: F**K, I’M AMERICAN

Did you cry when you heard about it?” He asked。


Maybe somewhere in my silent rage, there were some forms of tears。


“Well, I don’t blame you。 America hates China。”


I didn’t know that anyone else noticed。


“I felt this, too, and I’m not even Chinese and I saw it。 I came to China over 20 years ago and I was a rich, white man, and even I noticed IT!”

“我也感覺到了,即便我不是中國人,也看到了這一點。我 20 多年前去過中國,當時的我還是一個有錢的白人,連我都注意到了!”

Maybe what he said is only meaningful to me; this bit of reassurance that I wasn’t crazy。


He continued, “Listen, I’m old, so take my advice,”


It’s true。 He was really old。 Possibly senile, too, but in this moment, he was very much together when he said, “Stay in China。 China is great! Just stay here!”


This was during China’s national lockdown where street riots and racial violence against Chinese and other Asian groups (mistaken for being Chinese) were rising outside of China, and in my home, San Francisco。


If only it was that easy to “just stay here”, but was I looking for a second home, a home away from home? Or peace?


《我在中國的家》故事13|JOANNE: F**K, I’M AMERICAN


It got to where I wanted to avoid telling people I’m American。 Ironically, this desire to lie about my identity is the same living in America, having to face questions like, “So what are you?” (As if ‘human’ wasn’t enough) “Where are you originally from?” (As if ‘I’ migrated) and “What are you originally?” (As if I somehow ‘changed’ races)。 Because in America, I cannot be American-I am Chinese, no matter how little I knew the Chinese language, the country and culture-and with the label ‘Chinese’ comes along all what people think of China and Chinese people, no matter how ignorant we both are。

It’s a bit funny how I’m ‘Chinese’ in America, and ‘American’ in China. Like my Hash name, I seem to be ‘in the f**king middle’.




My parents left China and returned as visitors only to find the streets of their hometown they grew up in, WeChat, and even the simplified written Chinese unrecognizable。 They shared many wonders we foreigners have today like the driving style and why people suddenly stop walking once on an escalator。 It was surreal to watch my Chinese parents be such strangers in their own home country。


Maybe losing our original form is what the ‘melting’ means in the ‘melting pot of America’, especially in San Francisco, which is a beautifully diverse city, much like a city of several different countries weaved together through hilly streets。 It is where many have ‘left their hearts in’ and fallen in love many times over as the city transforms with each decade。 San Francisco is what I understood as a ‘melting pot’ when I first learned this term。


Although, despite how mesmerizing the image of many colors (nations) swirling and blending may be, it is not a ‘melting pot’。

To me, the diversity of San Francisco is more like a mosaic; still beautiful but made from broken glass that was once something whole; now, in shards, sharp with a clear separation between each piece.



《我在中國的家》故事13|JOANNE: F**K, I’M AMERICAN

《我在中國的家》故事13|JOANNE: F**K, I’M AMERICAN

“Go back to China! You are not welcomed here。”

I wonder if these people who hold such intolerance would still bark this rude ejection like a damnation if they saw the real China。



Life in China is almost like a paradise, tranquil and safe。 Where else could I leave my valuables out in a public space, leave, and come back only to find nothing stolen or vandalized; or walk freely any time of day without such worry for myself as well。 People here have kindness and patience, many of whom would bend over backwards to help if I needed it。 There is a great sense of community, one that is empathetic, and curious but hardly ever judging。

I have felt so much freedom in China, more than I ever felt before, and I’m from the US, the supposed ‘land of the free’.



So “go back to China”? Sure, I’d love to, and maybe you should, too!


《我在中國的家》故事13|JOANNE: F**K, I’M AMERICAN

《我在中國的家》故事13|JOANNE: F**K, I’M AMERICAN

“你是哪個國家的呢? 只是,你的感覺不像中國人…”

They’re probably right。 Culturally, I am an early ‘90’s baby’ growing up watching Saturday morning cartoons in my underwear while hoarding a stash of candy like prison money。 I listened to N’Sync and the Backstreet Boys, which I remember us girls having a crush on Aaron and Nick Carter and wished my strict parents would let me go to a slumber party where typical pre-teen girls would paint each other’s nails, do our hair, and plan our weddings to one of the boyband stars。 I also watched Nickelodeon and practiced WWE moves on my brother, which resulted in a different kind of beating from both him and my mother。 At school and at home, I played kickball and baseball where my brother and I as kids used ping pong paddles instead of baseball bats。 And as a teenager navigating the world of teen angst, what mostly filled my mind besides sex and suicide was the dreadful apprehension of what I want (rather need) to be for the rest of my life, and how I was ever going to become a capable adult。

I am, in the end, a collective of all my thoughts, my actions and all impressions of everyone I have ever met. I am my own walking mosaic collecting pieces wherever I go.


也許他們是對的。文化上,我是一個早期的“90 後嬰兒”,週六早晨睡衣看動畫片,像存獄金似的積攢糖果。我聽超級男孩和后街男孩的歌,我們這些女孩非常喜歡亞倫和尼克·卡特(后街男孩成員),還希望父母能讓我去參加睡衣派對。派對上處於青春期的女孩們會互相塗指甲油,做頭髮,幻想嫁給男團成員。我還喜歡看“尼克國際兒童頻道”,在我哥哥身上練習摔角動作,結果被他和媽媽打得很慘。無論在學校還是家裡,我都喜歡踢足球、打棒球,我和哥哥小時候會用乒乓球拍代替棒球棒。當時的我是在焦慮世界中航行的少女,除了性和自殺之外,我還充滿恐懼,充滿憂慮,憂慮我將來想要(而不是需要)成為什麼樣的人,憂慮我如何成為一個有能力的成年人。


F**k, I am American, and I had to come all the way to China to learn this; not that I expect anyone to accept me as an American and not because of any conscious choice either, as if I get a choice。


As if identity is easy to define, which it is not。 But it’s there。


*Sigh* I am not Chinese, and will never truly be Chinese, no matter how much I study the language and culture, or how much people insist that I am, and certainly not that I reject the Chinese identity。


I didn’t come to China for rebellion nor for peace. I’m here to make peace with myself, to harmonize the two cultural sides of a coin that may never meet eye to eye.

But maybe after 3 years living a dream, I simply succumbed to the comfort of China and forgotten my mission to define myself until writing this essay and ruminating on how China helped me confront myself。 Yet, like my parents who came back to China as strangers, I may return to San Francisco a much different person, maybe even still a stranger not recognizing a home I once knew, because some part of me has ‘melted’ somewhere else。


3 年來,我生活在夢裡,安逸於中國的舒適環境,忘記了尋找身份的使命。寫這篇文章時,我才開始思考中國如何幫助我面對自己。然而,就像父母以陌生人的身份回到中國一樣,我回到舊金山時可能會大不相同,甚至可能也會成為一個陌生人,認不出我曾經熟悉的家,因為我已經“熔”到其他地方。

《我在中國的家》故事13|JOANNE: F**K, I’M AMERICAN


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