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由 摘顆星星點亮天 發表于 農業2022-06-02
簡介作者,夏海春,男 湖南省辰溪縣小龍門鄉人,16歲離開故鄉,著有散文集《湘西逸事》《夢迴湘西》,在地市級及以上報刊雜誌發表作品1200多篇(幅),在全國徵文攝影賽事中多次獲金獎或一等獎,多幅攝影作品被中國攝影家協會,中華愛國工程聯合會,樂凱集





一 俗話說:企者不立,跨者不行。意思是說踮起腳尖,就無法長久站立;邁著大步,就無法長遠行走。追求事業也是如此,要想獲得成功,就要學會在自己擅長的領域裡沉下心來,用一顆匠心踏實學習,努力深耕,並且把它做到極致。驀然回首,我們會發現:踏實做好了自己,原來成功竟如此簡單!

As the saying goes: the enterprise does not stand, the cross does not do。 It means standing on tiptoe for a long time; stride, you can‘t walk for a long time。 The pursuit of career is the same, if you want to succeed, you must learn to sink in the field you are good at, learn with a craftsman’s heart, work hard, and do it to the extreme。 Suddenly looking back, we will find: steadfast to do their own, the original success is so simple!

二 每個人的人生中,都有許多改變命運的機會,好與壞,成與敗,取決於自己的態度。不同的態度塑造不同的人,也締造不同的人生。有句話叫:操之在我,也就是說,事情的發展取決於自己,而非其他。

Everyone‘s life, there are many opportunities to change fate, good and bad, success and failure, depending on their attitude。 Different attitudes shape different people and create different lives。 There is a saying: fuck me, that is, the development of things depends on themselves, not others。

三 人為什麼要努力?因為努力可以將不可能的事情或許變成可能。沒有誰的人生是輕鬆的,天上也不可能掉餡餅的。所以,我們要珍惜努力帶來的成就感,因為這份成就感是自己給自己的,並且還會引領我們朝著下一個目標不斷前進。到那個時候我們就會發現,努力是可以成為習慣的,而努力又優秀的自己就在不遠處。

Why do people work hard? Because hard work can make impossible things possible。 No one’s life is easy, the sky can not drop pie。 Therefore, we should cherish the sense of achievement brought by our efforts, because this sense of achievement is given to ourselves and will lead us to the next goal。 At that time we will find that hard work can become a habit, and hard and excellent self is not far away。

四 人生路上,我們難免會遇到彷徨的時刻。這個時候,我要做的就是堅持住自己的初心,將自己那個哪怕是小得不能再小的願望付諸行動,不拋棄不放棄,用能力,態度境界去證明自己生命的意義。

On the road of life, we will inevitably encounter a moment of loss。 At this time, what I have to do is to stick to my initial heart, to put into action even if it is too small to be small, not to abandon and not to give up, to prove the meaning of my life with ability and attitude。

五 在這個包羅永珍的塵世間,有的人典雅高貴,有的人廉價卑微。只要多留意一下身邊的過客,就會不難發現,有些人只是為了來給我們上一課就會轉身離開,有些人卻是為了守護我們一生而來。我們要走的這條路,有太多的不確定,但我們不要畏懼就拒絕了所有的開始。我們走過的每一條路,都是順直的,也都是崎嶇的,無論路途中有狂風暴雨,或者是險象環生,我們只有戰勝了內心的恐懼,才有可能到達新的生活彼岸。

In this all-encompassing world, some people are elegant and noble, some are cheap and humble。 As long as you pay more attention to the passers-by, it will not be difficult to find that some people just to give us a lesson will turn around and leave, some people are to protect our lives。 We are going this way, there is too much uncertainty, but we do not fear to refuse all the beginning。 Every road we walk is straight and rugged。 No matter there is a storm or danger on the way, we can only reach the other side of a new life if we overcome our inner fear。

作品原創首發,請勿抄襲,圖片來源於網路。作者,夏海春,男 湖南省辰溪縣小龍門鄉人,16歲離開故鄉,著有散文集《湘西逸事》《夢迴湘西》,在地市級及以上報刊雜誌發表作品1200多篇(幅),在全國徵文攝影賽事中多次獲金獎或一等獎,多幅攝影作品被中國攝影家協會,中華愛國工程聯合會,樂凱集團等機構單位收藏,三次在北京人民大會堂從國家領導人手中接過獎盃。現在河南南陽油田工作,系中國攝影家協會會員。
