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just get off your high horse 你還是放下架子,別裝了

由 穿梭英語Transpeak 發表于 農業2022-03-09
簡介”comeget (down) off your high horse別裝了,放下架子


just get off your high horse 你還是放下架子,別裝了

上個月公司新來的員工小張特別不招大家待見,他自持是研究生畢業,好多活兒都看不上眼,典型的眼高手低。昨天,終於連老闆 Bruce 也看不下去了,當著辦公室一眾同事就直接對他說“So why don‘t you just get off your high horse and stops acting like you know more than others! (你就不能放下架子別再裝得好像你比別人都知道得多一樣!)” 結果,今兒個這哥們兒就被辭退了……

just get off your high horse 你還是放下架子,別裝了

生活中這種人大家肯定也見過不少了吧~而這句“get off your high horse”從字面上來看就是“從你那高頭大馬上下來吧”,不就正好用來回擊那些看上去趾高氣昂盛氣凌人,到處擺譜兒的主兒了嘛!就像我們平時所說的那句“別裝了”一樣,用來教育那些高傲自滿的人放下架子最合適不過了。而其中的“ high horse 高頭大馬” 所指代的就是“a haughty attitude or temper; a contemptuous manner——傲慢、輕蔑的態度或脾氣。”

just get off your high horse 你還是放下架子,別裝了

come / get (down) off your high horse


【En】to stop talking as if you were better or more clever than other people。


to stop acting as if one is better than other people; to stop being arrogant or haughty。

不再表現得好像自己比別人強; 停止自大或傲慢。

to stop acting in a superior way。


to become humble; to be less haughty。


if you tell someone to, or suggest that someone should, get off their high horse, you are suggesting they stop behaving in a superior manner。


just get off your high horse 你還是放下架子,別裝了

【Immersion Scenario Listening 沉浸情景聽力】

● If she’d get down off her high horse for a moment, she might realize there‘s more than one point of view here。


just get off your high horse 你還是放下架子,別裝了

【Scenario Example 場景示例】

● So come on, John, get off your high horse。


● Would you get off your high horse and talk to me properly?


● Sam is never going to make friends here until he gets off his high horse and stops acting like he knows more than all of us。


just get off your high horse 你還是放下架子,別裝了

● You’re just an intern, so get off your high horse and do this filing, like I asked you to。


● It‘s time you came down off your high horse and admitted you were wrong。


● It’s about time that you got down off your high horse。


just get off your high horse 你還是放下架子,別裝了

● Stop criticising everyone! You should get down off your high horse and admit that you aren‘t perfect either!


● Tom used to tell his fellow classmates what a genius he was。 But after he got a couple of bad marks, he had to come off his high horse and study as hard as everyone else。


● You know I’m right。 Get off your high horse and admit your mistake!


just get off your high horse 你還是放下架子,別裝了
