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Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 聯合國的初心使命是維護世界和平穩定與發展繁榮

由 求是網 發表于 農業2022-07-12
簡介06, 2021)聯合國的初心使命是維護世界和平穩定與發展繁榮The founding mission of the UN is to safeguard world peace, stability, development and pr


(Excerpts from China and the United Nations: Deepening Cooperation over Five Decades and Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind by Yang Jiechi, Qiushi Journal, No。 06, 2021)


The founding mission of the UN is to safeguard world peace, stability, development and prosperity


It is easy to start out on a mission, but not as easy to follow it through。 It has been 76 years since the UN was founded。 However far it has come, it should never forget why it started in the first place。 The two sculptures in front of the UN Headquarters, “Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares” and “The Knotted Gun,” are a constant reminder that we must end war, stop killing, and turn weapons of destruction into tools that could be used to benefit humanity。 Another sculpture, “Sphere Within a Sphere,” carries the message that we must protect the planet that we call our common and only home。 From the Millennium Development Goals to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN has held fast to the conviction that no country should be left behind。 Pursuing peace and development is the UN’s founding mission。 It is also a source of strength for the UN and a goal for it to strive for。
